Just checking in with you farm ladies and anyone living the farm wife life! Here’s my friendly harvest reminder to all...
We are tough. We do big things.
But don’t forget, first and foremost, we are human.
Newbie, veteran, girlfriend, wife…
It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve been through harvest. It’ll make your head spin every time. Because no year is like the year before.
There are always challenges.
The rhythm of our lives is off kilter, and we don’t know how long it will last until harvest is over.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in the field working in a tractor or keeping things running smoothly on the home front. Or both.
We’re operating with less sleep, with fewer hands on deck, and a little less communication than normal.
Remember to be kind to yourself. Take a moment for you BEFORE you reach that point of overwhelm.
I don’t know how many days in we are into our harvest…20 maybe?
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Today was the day where tears formed as something minor felt like something major. Edited to add: I guess I wasn't in the mood to handle the receiving end of cart driving critique today.
So I know, for me, it’s time for a reset.
Tonight I’ll be soaking in the tub for a few minutes after the kids are in bed. I can hear the lavender Epsom salts calling my name. 🥰
And for my husband, I’m sorry you don’t appreciate my mad cart driving skills. I bet NASCAR would be glad to have me. 🤣🙄😜
P.S. I wouldn't trade my farm wife life for anything. It's a great, slightly crazy journey!
This post was originally published on my Facebook page in September 2021. I thought it was worth saving for years to come.
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