So, you got an Instant Pot which would mean it's time for us to tackle the Instant Pot basics...
Have you been starting at the box in corner? Or maybe, you took it out of the box. And then you put it right back in.
But have you plugged it in? Have you used it? Don't feel bad if you haven't used it yet! That's what we're doing today, right??
I'm here to help you get started and conquer your Instant Pot Fear! Trust me, I know the fear is real. I've experienced it, probably due to the stories I've heard about my Grandma's pressure cooker and tomatoes on the ceiling.
So let's get started, shall we??
First off, a lot of you asked what Instant Pot size I recommend. I'm sure it varies for everyone, but I happen to have two that I personally recommend and use.
I get the most use out of my Instant Pot 6 Quart Duo. It's a good size for a family of 4-6 and I can cook most things in it. The one I have does not have a yogurt function but that's not a deal breaker for me.
My Instant Pot Recommendations
The other pot I have is an 8 quart programmable pressure cooker. Mine is circa 2012, aka pre-Instant Pot craze (thanks, Mom!) so it's a Wolfgang Puck brand. I'd say a comparable one is the 8 Quart Instant Pot. I like using the larger 8 quart pot for large batches of soups and stocks, so I can portion out into small or individual containers for freezing.
Instant Pot Basics Video
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Okay, so you saw the video. Now what? Well, for one, let me know if you have questions.
Now, there are several accessories you can add to your Instant Pot. I recommend these three resources when you're getting started:
Ceramic Non-Stick Liner – Are the liners hard to clean? Nope, not really. But this liner makes sticky foods, like rice, slide right out. An extra liner also helps if you’re making multiple dishes for a meal.
Silicone Bands -If you plan to make a variety of foods, invest the ten bucks to get different silicone bands for your Instant Pot. You can use red ring for sweet food and blue ring for savory food, white is in common use, Using different bands will keep your cheesecake from smelling, or even worse – tasting, like chili.
Egg Bite Molds – I’m going to be honest, I’m pretty sure these started out as molds for freezing baby food. Yes, you heard right. But then Starbucks launched their Sous Vide Egg Bites and changed this into a multipurpose gadget. Egg bites are easy to make breakfasts all week long AND you’ll save the five bucks from Starbucks. #WINNING!
You can check out the entire list below!
My Favorite Instant Pot Recipes are all here! I still have some to add to the list, like my taco soup, and my Starbucks egg bites. If you are on my email list, you'll be the first to know when those are up!
Also, be sure to check out my method for cooking frozen ground beef in your Instant Pot.
Have any questions? Let me know!